Page 29 - Issue 05 2nd edition
P. 29

Try to rest in the present moment, be                 •  connecting to creativity through
          present, be here and now, and be kind to                 working on your home and garden,
          whatever emerges. And try to remember                    baking, blogging, writing, knitting,
          to relax and be in the moment with                       sewing, or crocheting, or through a
          whatever activity you choose!                            visual art like drawing, painting, or
          Another approach would be to schedule in              •  connecting to learning through evening
          half an hour of me-time in your diary and                classes—further and higher education
          treat it as if it were as important as a                 or skill sharing
          meeting or deadline. The truth is that you
          will perform much better if you have had              •  connecting to animals, birds, and
          that time. You don’t even necessarily need               insects—beekeeping is an increasingly
          half an hour—on a busy day, just five                    popular hobby, for example, or you
          minutes of sitting still and doing nothing               could try nurturing a rescue animal
          can be a real tonic. Press the                                     These ways of connecting are
          pause button for a moment to           Try to rest in the          not “fragments…shored
          see what you need.                    present moment,              against my ruins” (T. S. Eliot),
                                                                             but bold steps into a new
          Forming new connections can             be present, be             world where we matter
          also be a way to renew and           here and now, and             enough to support ourselves,
          refresh ourselves, and this can            be kind to              to enjoy ourselves and have
          be as important as resting and                                     fun, and to connect and see
          relaxing. Finding something                 whatever               that we are worthy of living a
          that connects us to the wider               emerges.               life of meaning.
          world and to our human tribe,
          to life, and to joy can be transformative,            E. M. Forster wrote in Howards End
          and there are so many ways we can                     (written in 1910, and with a wonderful
          connect and reconnect.                                childless heroine in Margaret Schlegel),
                                                                “Only connect! ...Live in fragments no
          As well as connecting outwards, it is also            longer.” We matter, and our experiences
          important to connect inwards—to make                  matters, and being bold and brave enough
          space for our feelings and to hold them               to connect can help us to learn this for the
          with compassion and love. Not only are                first time or to relearn it after the often
          our feelings an essential, natural, and               traumatic and painful journey through
          inescapable part of being human, they are             childlessness.
          completely OK, and they are not going to
          break us. They are a normal response to               Some restful things you could try:
          the losses and changes we have
          experienced.                                          1.  One Minute Relaxation Tips

          You can try:                                          •  Take three deep breaths, being
                                                                   conscious of how your breath feels as it
          •  connecting to nature through                          leaves and re-enters your body. Say
            gardening, walking, swimming,                          something kind to yourself, such as
            running, or cycling                                    “You’re doing really well today.” If you
          •  connecting to people through voluntary                are having a hard time, remind yourself
            work or groups such as Meetup who                      it will pass.
            link those with common interests                    •  Hug a person or a pet, or ask for a hug.

          •  connecting to change by getting                    2. Three Minute Relaxation Tips
            involved in campaigning on local,
            national, or international social and               •  Try a Breathing Space exercise from
            environmental issues                                   the Mindfulness work of Jon Kabat-

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