Page 28 - Issue 05 2nd edition
P. 28

Resting and relaxing is easier to talk                writing, researching potential travel
          about than to do, and yet it is a vital skill         destinations, or reading.
          in this fast-paced, “always on” world in
          which we live. I’ve realised recently that I,         Many of us find there are obstacles that
          and many people I know, are aware we                  get in the way of resting and
          need to rest and relax but don’t always               recuperating. It can take a big effort to
          know how to or even if we “deserve” to.               step off the treadmill and slow down
          Resting isn’t about deserving it or not,              enough to realise we are getting
          rather it is something we all need and                overwhelmed. And the busier we are, the
          something we can all have, even if we                 harder it is.
          need support to find a way to it and a way
          to make it work for us. At a concert I went           We may ask ourselves questions like is
          to recently, I heard a soprano sing:                  there time, are we worth it, is it more
                                                                important to do something for someone
          O for the wings, for the wings of a dove!             else, etc. We may feel that there is so
          Far away, far away would I rove!                      much to do that it would be better to do
          In the wilderness build me a nest                     something off our list rather than step
          and remain there for ever at rest                     away and sit down for a while. How do we
                                                                manage to rest so it doesn’t become just
          The words really spoke to me, and I                   another thing to tick off our to-do list?
          realised that I had a longing for a nest of
          my own—a place where I could rest,                    The first thing we need to do is recognise
          relax, and recuperate. The truth is that we           when we need a break. What are the
          can all find this place because it is inside          signals that we are getting overloaded? If
          us. But seeking it out, fully inhabiting it,          we can learn to recognise our own
          and allowing ourselves to rest there is not           particular cries for help and listen to
          easy, especially as resting means different           them, then we can begin to work out what
          thing to different people. It may mean                it is we need.
          spending time with no or reduced sensory
          input—time away from phones, TV, the                  Taking a moment to sit still and tune in to
          Internet, or even other people. Or it may             yourself can be very powerful. Start by
          mean time to allow things to settle, to               asking, “What do I need to do for myself
          allow answers to emerge, and to allow                 right now?” Choose something that allows
          ourselves to reset and recalibrate—to slow            a fresh breeze to blow through your tired,
          down our minds and process what is                    overloaded, and stagnated mind. Expand
          already there without adding more.                    your awareness in the moment so that
                                                                you get some perspective and can see
          For some people it means time to sleep,               more clearly and respond to whatever
          for others time in nature, time to read, or           comes up. And if you are not sure what to
          time to listen to music as an activity in             do, then dare yourself to just sit and see
          itself. I once made a list of things I could          what happens.
          do to switch off, which included baking,
          running, colouring or drawing, knitting,

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