Page 18 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 18

When Berenice Smith started her Masters in graphic design she didn’t
          realise it would lead to building bridges with the CNBC community.

          What has helped you to create more                    title ‘Interpretation and Origination:
          purpose in your life?                                 Modes of Graphic Authorship’. The focus
                                                                of this module was to work with an
          I was already unsure about putting myself             external source, to enable design to
          through a seventh round of IVF, but                   provide a solution.
          having miscarried on the 6  try, it was
          tempting to continue.  Then events took               The project grew from there and as I
          over. I was made redundant, along with                gained more knowledge of coding and
          some 400 colleagues, in February 2013                 User Interface, I developed the site
          and it was a huge shock. The terms were               further, taking it away from an old server
          generous, and I could have spent the                  to a new design with a blog. It also led me
          money on more fertility treatment.                    to run a Twitter chat and a “plan B” group
          However, a chance meeting with a friend               called Walking Forward Inspiration
          who was studying for a postgraduate                   Network. This change has allowed me to
          degree, made me wonder if I could use                 collaborate and develop the original
          the money to train.                                   concept. I have more plans for it; which
                                                                means exploring ways that I can make it
          I found huge comfort in studying with the             financially viable.
          Open University to gain an English
          Literature degree (my brain kept getting              How much experience did you have in
          good results, even if my fertility treatment          the field or in running a business
          failed and my body kept miscarrying). I               beforehand?
          applied to the Graphic Design and
          Typography Masters; expecting to be                   I have run a business in a previous life,
          ignored or laughed out of the interview.              before IVF and meeting my husband. I
          Meeting my lecturer and walking into the              also worked in an agency managing the
          Cambridge School of Art was the first sign            editorial and design team and have
          of hope I’d had for many years.                       experience in how to run (and not to run)
                                                                a company. I have also mentored
          How did you reach the decision to                     students.
          start your own business?
                                                                What have been the high and low
          “Walk In Our Shoes” is entirely self-                 points?
          funded so as yet not a business, but I
          support it with talks, interviews and other           Highs are when the balance works. That’s
          work in design – I sell my creative                   rare! I work part-time, practice design,
          services to raise funds! The idea for the             am a printmaker and just bought a new
          site came from a module in my degree                  glass kiln so “Walk In Our Shoes” is one of

          18                         The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue
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