Page 19 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
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many things I do. But knowing it works didn’t really have a proper holiday for two
and makes a valuable contribution is years: all my leave was spent on study.
wonderful – not only because the
feedback means it can be life changing for What advice would you give to
people to tell their stories, but also anyone thinking of starting a similar
because it means the many months of business?
research are worth it too. Lows are the
sad stories, people not understanding the Do it with passion. If this business takes
concept of the site and, like anyone who is off, you need to know that what you’re
involuntarily childless, I have days when I doing you can do well or have the passion
struggle. to learn more. People talk a lot about
knowing this or that about social media,
How have you overcome the having a business plan and finance, which
challenges and celebrated the are all necessary, but passion matters a
successes? lot too.
I keep in mind what “Walk In Our Shoes” What general advice would you give
is at all times. The research, the to anyone wanting to move forward
workshops and process it went through and redefine their dreams?
during the six months of development,
were Get support. The Walking Forward
thoroughly Inspiration Network is specifically about
and talking and sharing hopes, dreams and
carefully support for anyone who is involuntarily
assessed. I childless. But there are industry groups,
refer back networking groups by location or genre
to that and all can be useful sounding boards.
often and Give yourself time to play. Be generous
the and collaborate, and always listen to
feedback I feedback. In the area we work in, it takes
received. courage to speak up and be critical (in my
I’m working life that’s never an issue!) so
hopeless at celebrating though! I when people do, listen and evaluate it.
celebrate by working to the next goal
which can be relentless, but a day at the What support did you have from your
seaside with my dog on the beach and family and friends when you told
being creative is ample celebration for them you were going to start your
me. If I have time to cut glass and muck business?
about with lead and cement or go to life
drawing classes, I’m happy! My husband is great, he doesn’t always
understand the motivation, but he
If you knew when you started what appreciated something had to change for
you know now what would you do me. I never feel unsupported and I show
differently? him what I’ve been working on each
week, so we keep talking. My friends,
I wish I had made the change from full certainly those I have met through
time to part time sooner. I let myself sink infertility are fantastic and I really
too low and suffered with my mental appreciate their kindness, and close
health because of it. I felt that part time colleagues who knew of my miscarriages
was giving up and that I had to work all have been very supportive in the
hours. I’d also never recommend doing a transition from full to part time work.
postgraduate degree and a full-time job at
the same time. It was exhausting, and I
The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue 19