Page 15 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 15

One of the many weird and unexpected                  childlessness. And hopefully, that might
          things about embracing our Plan B is that,            make it less likely that they’ll drop that
          believe it or not, it can make those that             same shame bomb again another day.
          we once envied envy us in return! It took
          me a long time to understand that the                 The experience of recovering from
          opportunities that my unchosen freedom                childlessness is a profound, life-altering,
          brought me—for further study, for travel,             soul-shaping one; it changes us forever.
          for the precariousness of being a writer              Realising this can help us understand why
          and entrepreneur—were things that some                social events just aren’t straightforward
          parents felt they couldn’t risk. They saw             for us anymore. Really, honestly, it isn’t
          me as someone who was taking a second                 just you who’s having a hard time with
          hungry bite at life and they were envious.            this. The impact on our friendships and
                                                                relationships is yet another area of life
          So, I learned not to talk too much about              that is impacted by our childlessness and
          what I was up to—not because they                     often one that many of us didn’t see
          weren’t interested but because it actually            coming.
          sounded too interesting! Once again,
          having childless friends who understood               I thought that
          the incredibly high price I’d paid for this           perhaps I was
          freedom, and how hard I’d worked to                   just really rubbish
          embrace it (I hated my “freedom” for a                at friendships,
          long time) was, and remains, vital.                   and so I found it
                                                                a great comfort
          Recovering from childlessness isn’t just              when I began to
          about learning to carry the loss of the               meet other
          children we longed for in our hearts—it’s             childless women
          also about recovering from shame. As I                and learned that
          came to understand that as a childless                it was something
          woman I had done nothing wrong, and                   we were all going through. Childlessness
          that there was nothing wrong with me, I               broke my heart, but grief healed it bigger.
          began to find it a lot easier to interact             And I think I’m actually a better person,
          socially. Because these days, if someone              and a better friend, for the experience. It
          tries to shame with a pointed remark like,            does get easier in time, when we’re
          “Oh, childless women are so selfish,”                 further along with our grief—promise.
          rather than look like I’ve been slapped
          and then run away, I’m more likely to say,            Note from the editor:
          “So, you’ve never met a selfish parent
          then?” The way I see it, because I’m no               Jody has some wonderful resources
          longer ashamed of my childlessness,                   that elaborate on many points in her
          there’s nowhere for the shame they’re                 article. Gateway Women’s on-line
          trying to put on me to stick. And because             community is one of the safest
          I’m not triggered into shame (which shuts             available because the identity of each
          us down), I’m also able to remain open                member is personally checked. Here
          and curious about their point of view.                are the all-important links:

          The conditioning of pronatalism (this       
          comment is a classic example) usually       
          unravels with the slightest application of  
          logic; exploring that in a non-defensive    
          way can lead to some really interesting     
          and meaningful discussions that have the    
          potential to change the way others view     

                                     The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue                   15
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