Page 21 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 21
I wanted to thank you so very much With that article of a letter written to a
for writing that article for WCW which ttc girlfriend, you offered life to my
was a letter to a friend who was feelings, gave me oxygen in an
trying to conceive. That stuck in my environment where I felt my sister had
mind in such a positive way. stolen my air supply. I feel so much
calmer, stronger, able to survive
Recently, I received a shock when my because of that article. (Please forward
youngest sister announced that she this to Stephanie). I'm crying at the
and her military husband are moment because I never thought I
expecting their first child. I felt as if I could be so blessed to have a friend who
had no words with which to respond understands my feelings so well, and
appropriately, but then, I could offer me what I needed at the
remembered your letter during World precise time I needed it.
Childless Week. You expressed
everything I wanted to say in that I always wanted to thank you and
article you wrote. I changed it slightly Andrew for starting the magazine which
so that it suited my personal situation I am very excited about. I think you
accurately, but overall, your article two are wonderful people and admire
proved a worthier expression of my you so much for the World Childless
feelings than my own choice of Week videos that you recorded.
words. I do love how you are so
courteous and considerate, Nicci, so Yes, Stephanie has offered me a
full of class, so eloquent. (I'm NOT childless voice. You offered me oxygen.
being sarcastic). I'm so grateful for both of you.
I told Stephanie Joy Phillips that Kind regards,
before I met her, I felt I did not have
a childless voice. I hated my own Carol Gifford,
words, I was afraid of my grief, I felt Texas, USA
isolated. I told her that I felt as if she
expressed everything I was feeling,
only better than I could.
The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue 21