Page 25 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
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day when I received an email from Clare though I’d had good feedback on my
Christian of RedDoor Publishing, which writing from many agents, I was still far
had these magic words:”I really loved the too timid in sending it out. I suspect that
book. The writing and way you deliver was because Dear You is so very
your thoughts and feelings are kind, personal—I had to be ready to let it go out
funny, and of course insightful and it's into the world.
something I would love to publish…”
What advice would you give to
What support did you have from your anyone thinking of writing a book?
family and friends whilst you were Simply this: just do it! Find your own way
writing your book? of learning about the craft of writing—
some people respond to group activities,
I’ve kept my writing and my writing workshops, courses, etc. Or, like me,
dreams pretty much to myself. Particularly simply read books on the subject. I would
as I found that also recommend The Artist’s Way by Julia
when you tell Cameron as an inspirational book for
anyone you’re writers feeling “stuck.”
writing a book, you
will then be What general advice would you give
constantly asked if to anyone wanting to move forward
it’s been published and redefine their dreams?
yet as most folk
have no idea how There are many inspirational
hard it is to get writers/teachers I turn to regularly; these
published! I have are Gill Edwards, Mike Dooley, Martha
shared my dreams Beck, and Julia Cameron—I’ve pretty
with a few close much read everything they’re written! I
friends who have regularly cheered me have also found writing helps me learn a
on. One in particular unabatedly urged me lot about myself. I have always kept
to send it out. I knew that the manuscript journals and find that writing things out is
sitting on my desk was never going to be a soothing and positive way of working
published otherwise, but I needed a push through and releasing painful thoughts.
to get it out there. It’s also a great way of celebrating when
things are going well.
If you knew when you started what
you know now, what would you do Twitter ID @TessaBroad
FB Page @tessalouisebroad
I would have had more confidence and
been more proactive in sending Dear You Publishers
out to get an agent/publisher. Even
Tessa Broad was born in Suffolk, spent her early career in London
working in marketing and event management for a number of
different publishers and a children’s charity. She now lives in deepest
rural Cornwall in an old farmhouse with her second husband and their
beloved cocker spaniel. She loves gardening, football and baking and
has a passion for fashion and interior design. Tessa would also love to
be able to play boogie-woogie piano and is presently writing a novel
about a music teacher called Penny who can.
The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue 25