Page 29 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 29
to be thankful for her card and wrote a four- Guess what, dear
blessings. I decided to page letter readers? My sister Laura
pray hard about accepting communicating two responded that my letter
her challenge to things: how much I love really helped her to
congratulate my sister. her and desire a understand me so much
friendship with her, and better, and she saluted
After a time, I recognized all about my infertility my courage in opening
that I had been wrong to journey. I explained how I my heart to her. She said
push my sister away— wanted (still want) just that if there was anything
wrong to reject her every one son of my own, and she could do to ease my
attempt to reach out to how when God answered childless grief, she would
me, wrong to put words “No” I felt (still feel) grief, do it, and she was very
in her mouth, wrong to and I wasn't sure I sorry I was hurting. She
refuse sharing my heart wanted to meet my new said that she loved me
with her, wrong not to nephew yet. I apologized and wanted to be my
allow her a chance to for pushing her away friend too.
speak for herself. And from me for so long, and
just as my friend had told for every other way I had In my letter, I had
me, I had been wrong been wrong. mentioned that perhaps
when I refused to she and I could pray for
congratulate my sister on each other about stuff,
the birth of her son. and she asked me if there
was anything she could
I sent Laura a text pray about for me. Laura
message, asking if I could loves me, and wants so
write her a letter and much to show it. Now, my
explaining that I wasn't heart is overflowing with
upset with her about thankfulness!
anything. She responded
that she would really love Carol Gifford, 34, Texas,
to read whatever I USA
wanted to write to her. I
chose a beautiful greeting
If you would like to comment about anything in the
magazine or would like to share some of the
experiences that you have had relating to the issue
themes we would love to hear from you. Unfortunately,
we are not in the position to receive letters by “snail
mail” so please use the email listed above.
In CNBC friendship
Nicci & Andrew Fletcher
The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue 29