Page 27 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 27
I mentioned that I did warn you that it was bizarre! The
there seems to be a most unbelievable part of it is that, when
“science” associated the prophecy failed to come true, her
with failure and followers became even more adamant
Matthew Syed that her prophecy was accurate. It is that
explores this using reaction to failure that can be understood
“case studies”. Many and can help us as we learn to accept
of these come from that, even though we are not parents, we
within the aviation have not failed.
industry: another
reason for the name We are not failures: we
of the book. are trapped in
However, he also circumstances beyond
uses examples from our control. Perhaps
the health industry, finance and sport. truly accepting this fact
One of the most bizarre examples he is the first step into
shares surrounds the prophecies of a really believing that we
Chicago housewife called Dorothy Martin. are worthy.
She believed that she had been contacted
by a God-like being from another planet. Note from Editor:
Dorothy was warned that the would be
destroyed by a great flood on the morning Amazon links to all books mentioned
of December 21, 1954. in The Childless Not By Choice
However, she, and any true followers, Magazine can be found on the
would be rescued from her back garden Resources Page of the website.
by a spacecraft and whisked to safety.
Regular Feature
The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue 27