Page 28 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
P. 28
Carol Gifford was inspired to reach out to her sister following
years of being CNBC had put a strain on their relationship
I’m nearly 34 years old, intense kindness as I some of them social
and I have known about have travelled my media friend requests,
my infertility diagnosis for infertility journey. and they accepted me! I
the past 18 years. My had finally found my
doctor was kind enough I had pushed Laura, my tribe! These wonderful
to not offer me false hope other married sister with new friends offered me
that “someday” I might children, away. I didn't the courage to walk
have children; she told want to either reach out further down the path to
me that my chances of to her or respond acceptance of my
bearing a child were slim positively when she tried infertility journey, and it
to none. I married and reaching out to me. Sarah has been very good for
discovered that my tried to encourage me to me.
beloved husband had lost reach out to Laura, but I
his own fertility through was so disabled by fear of One good turn deserves
kidney failure several what Laura might say. If I another, right? One of
years prior to us meeting. dared to open my heart, these delightful new
would I get some of those friends offered me a
I have four sisters. Three hurtful comments fertile challenge when I
of them are married, but people make to childless expressed that I had
only two of the three women? So, I refused. chosen not to
have children so far. My congratulate my sister
other married sister is a But something wonderful Laura on the birth of her
newlywed military bride, occurred to change my youngest son in March
and she and her husband perspective. This year in this year. She suggested
want to wait to get settled September (2017), the that I should congratulate
before they begin trying first World Childless Week my sister, even if it was
to have children. My took place, and I by way of a short note on
sisters Sarah and Laura discovered to my pretty stationery.
each have children. Laura immense relief that I was
has four. My oldest sister not alone in my sorrow. Before World Childless
Sarah has three, and just There were lots of other Week, I would have
announced, to our joy, people experiencing the reacted in anger.
that she is carrying her exact same childless grief However, because of how
fourth and is due in April I was, and many of these understood I now felt, I
next year. Sarah and I wonderful strangers were was able to see that this
are very close; she is very kind and friend had suffered
gracious and loving, and compassionate. I read infertility longer than I
has offered me such their stories and sent had and had still chosen
28 The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue