Page 22 - Issue 05 2nd edition
P. 22

The CNBC community is a bit like a                    Here are some potential benefits found
          country/military/large organisation, there            through support groups:
          are a lot of counties/units/departments in
          it. Although we all belong to the same                 •  Realizing you are not alone
          community there are different facets that
          mean we need to find the right place to be            It’s interesting to hear people describe
          within that community and that right                  their first support group meeting. They
          place will probably change over time as               will often say, “You know, until I went to
          you progress through the                              the group I thought I was the only person
          healing/acceptance process.                           in the world with my problem. I was so
                                                                surprised to find that everyone in the
          Let’s look at some of the benefits and                group had the same issues as me.”
          possible drawbacks to belonging to a
          support group. If the negatives are                   This realization usually brings about a
          outweighing the positives it is obviously             feeling of relief, by gaining the
          time to move on. Also belonging to a                  understanding, perhaps for the very first
          number of groups will allow you to take               time, that others have similar concerns
          the best of each of them whilst the                   and are there to help and encourage you.
          negatives won’t be so apparent because
          you get support elsewhere.                             •  Expressing your feelings

          When you join a new support group, you                After you realize you aren’t alone and are
          may be nervous about sharing personal                 part of a safe and supportive
          issues with people you don't know. At                 environment, you will begin to feel
          first, you may benefit from simply                    comfortable sharing your feelings and life
          listening/reading. Over time, however,                circumstances with the group. This can be
          contributing your own ideas and                       a very therapeutic and healing experience,
          experiences may help you get more out of              particularly as you find that others in the
          a support group.                                      group will listen nonjudgmentally and will
                                                                praise you for your openness and
          Benefits of support groups                            courage.

          The common experience among members                    •  Learning helpful information
          of a support group often means they have
          similar feelings, worries, everyday                   Support groups offer lots of practical tips
          problems, treatment decisions or                      and resources for dealing with identified
          treatment side effects and of course a                concerns, and members share their
          similar outcome. Participating in a group             success stories and the strategies that
          provides you with an opportunity to be                helped them move forward in their
          with people who are likely to have a                  recovery. Some groups focus on learning
          common purpose and likely to understand               and practicing specific coping skills. Many
          one another.                                          groups will also provide recommendations

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