Page 16 - Issue 05 2nd edition
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Dealing with something traumatic is rough, wonderful friends who were willing to listen
but it becomes harder still when you feel anytime. I just felt like no one I knew could
like no one around you understands what really understand what I was going through.
you’re going through. During a long and
arduous infertility journey, it is very My fertility clinic offered one free counselling
common to find yourself being the only session along with IVF treatment (that’s
childless not by choice member among your right—only one). I made an appointment
group of friends and family. In my case, I about a week after that final phone call that
struggled to conceive for close to eight let me know I wouldn’t ever be a mother. I
years, and though I know other people who thought that it would really help, and I was
have struggled, they all ended up with a fully prepared to pay for more sessions if it
baby in the end. I also have friends who are did (though after the huge financial burden
childless by choice, and while they are a that Canadian residents undergoing IVF
godsend in that our lifestyles and interests face, it was very hard to justify any further
are now similar, they haven’t experienced spending).
the extreme roller coaster of emotions that
infertility can cause. Who could I relate to? However, the session wasn’t a great fit. The
counsellor got focused on the fact that I was
I think a lot of the childless not by choice divorced after the first four years of trying
end up feeling isolated and alone, which can to conceive, and she mainly wanted to talk
lead to deeper, longer-lasting grief. After about that though I’d long since moved on—
my last failed IVF treatment, at age 44, I I’d just undergone IVF with my current
finally had to give up the dream of ever partner and wasn’t all that interested in
having children. The emotional trauma and discussing my divorce from years earlier. I
the toll that all my fertility treatments and wanted to know how to get through this
negative outcomes had taken was latest stage of grief—the one that comes
indescribable. I couldn’t see any way out of with finally deciding to give up the dream—
the pain—but I knew I needed help to get to but our time ran out and I left that
the other side of my grief. appointment not feeling any better.
The first thing I did was set up a counselling I wondered where I could turn to next. I
appointment. In the past, I’d had two great ended up turning where I often do—to
experiences with counsellors—the first research and books. I searched Amazon for
helped me through my anxiety and panic anything related to infertility (there really
attacks during university, and the second isn’t enough out there!) and read some
helped me through my divorce. Though wonderful books by Jody Day and Lisa
opening up and talking about difficult issues Manterfield. Finally, stories I could relate to!
might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I’ve Reading about the grief they experienced
always responded well to talking things due to infertility and how they overcame it
through whether it be with friends or with time, work, and help was a lifesaver.
professionals. With childlessness, though, I However, I was still feeling isolated and
felt quite isolated—through no fault of my craving a more of a connection. I searched
16 The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Sept/Oct 2018 Issue #05