Page 8 - CNBC Mag Free Issue Edition 6
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Michael Hughes and his wife survive Christmas by closing the
plantation shutters and setting new boundaries for their families
I must warn you that if you are thinking decided that this Christmas it was going to
you’re going to learn a subtle way of be different for us. Taking advantage of
surviving being childless, this is not for mum and dad being overseas, we decided
you. This will be almost like a frontal that we’d close the plantation shutters,
attack, something that Napoleon would turn on the air conditioning (we are in
have been proud of. Australia) and sit around in pyjamas all
day. We’d eat whatever we could get out
Within most families there are of the fridge or freezer—no special meals,
complexities that the pressure of no roasting, no vegetables, with ice cream
Christmas always seems to bring to the at the top of the list.
fore. Ours is no different and last year
was a great example. I’d lost my job It didn’t go down well. At the least some
earlier in the month and we were both scratched their head whilst others got
smashed by a bout of glandular fever—we very upset.
were not in a good place. My parents had
decided to make the effort to travel to the This is because no one was listening, but
UK to have a Christmas with my sister. As not due to any action or lack of action on
they are both over 70 with varying health our part. We live a very overt life—many
issues, it wasn’t an easy time for anyone. years of dealing with various issues on the
psychologist’s couch has taught us the
My wife and I are seen as the ones who strength in being open. But sadly, no
can successfully cater to many in our matter how many times you tell some
family. So, for years we would slave away people, they will never hear the message
for the day creating a memorable you are trying to send. Statements that
Christmas lunch, only to fall in a heap at “Christmas is tough for us because it
the end of it. I would then try to come to reminds us of what we won’t have” or
terms with how tired I was for just ONE “Sorry we can’t come to your child’s
day, and my wife would be excited that birthday party because they are just too
we had pulled off yet another fabulous upsetting” are ignored. Sometimes you
Christmas feast because she usually loves may get an answer as we did, something
Christmas. like “Why don’t you like us, you never
come to our daughter’s parties” or a real
Last year was different. humdinger “Why are you always forcing
down our throats that you can’t because
As a present to ourselves and as a coping you don’t have kids?”
mechanism of being at a low point, we
8 The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Launch Issue