Page 3 - Issue 05 2nd edition
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        Published by:              Since the last issue of the magazine so much
                                   has happened that I hardly know where to start.
        Thenins Books Ltd          Andrew and I have been embracing CANBACE
        Appt: 18900
        Chynoweth House,           and have seen such a huge difference in our
        Trevissome Park, Truro     mindset, our motivation and our happiness as a
        Cornwall, TR84 8UN         result. Creating A New, Beautiful And
                                   Courageous Existence has had an immensely
                                   positive impact on our lives and the power of
        Nicci Fletcher             CANBACE is really starting to become evident. It
                                   isn’t a word, or dare I say it, a label. It is far
                                   more than that. It was created to be a very
        Managing Editor:           powerful positive affirmation that can help people to move forward so that
        Andrew Fletcher
                                   they can break free from the grief that has been overwhelming them for
        Editorial and Proof
        Reading Services:          Judging from the emails, and Facebook/Twitter private messages that is
        Tanya Trusler              really starting to happen. Once we’ve enjoyed World Childless Week and        people have settled down after the excitement I know more people will
                                   start embracing this new and empowering way of life. Which is really great
                                   because Brandi Lytle, of Not So Mommy, and I have come up with some
        All rights reserved.
        No part of this            great ideas about how to raise awareness about CANBACE through the
        publication may be         awareness ribbon and our very own CANBACE/Childless Awareness Day.
        produced, stored in a      We have so many ideas that we’re going to be co-hosting a webinar all
        retrieval system, or       about Canbace. You will find more details on 38.
        transmitted, in any
        form or by any             Now I mentioned World Childless Week a little earlier. That starts TODAY!
        means, electronic,
        mechanical, printing,      Andrew and I haven’t had the time or energy to be involved behind the
        copying, recording,        scenes like we were last year. However, we’ve written a blog for each day
        sharing or otherwise,      and I know that other bloggers have been working hard on their
        without the prior          contributions too. I’m also delivering a webinar on behalf of “More To Life”
        permission of Thenins
        Books Ltd.                 about the impact that running the magazine and creating CANBACE has
                                   had on my life. I have just listened to the questions asked at the end of the
        © Thenins Books Ltd
                                   webinar and were blown away by the attendees’ reaction to the guided
         Thenins Books Ltd         healing session I delivered. I am so pleased that it helped. You can watch a
         are not able to           recording of the webinar on page 13.
         investigate the
         products of services      During World Childless Week I will be sharing as many links as possible to
         provided by the           blogs, and I know that Brandi Lytle will be doing the same. If you have
         contributors to The       written anything for World Childless Week, either as an individual or as a
         Childless Not By
         Choice Magazine           blogger, and you want us to share a link to your contribution please let me
         nor make                  know. Andrew and I will also make a point of commenting on as many
         recommendations           things written by magazine subscribers as possible, so to know what you
         about them.               have written and the day that it will be published would be a great help.
         Readers should
         make sensible             You can email me the information at admin[at]thecnbcmagazine[dot]net
         enquiries before
         signing contracts or      I wish you a wonderful World Childless Week and every success as you
         paying for services.      start to CANBACE.

                                The Childless Not By Choice Magazine: Sept/Oct 2018 Issue #05              3
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